Modern social media recruiting & employer branding

Social media recruiting solutions for your specialist requirements -
in an all-round carefree package & at a fixed price.

Defy the competition & skills shortage by placing modern job ads on social media.

Arrange an initial consultation
These companies run social media recruiting in partnership with Talentspring:
Just Eat
Just Eat
Just Eat
Just Eat

Benefit from the potential of performance marketing campaigns in recruiting

Simply place your open positions with us - without being dependent on your colleagues in IT or marketing - where talented people spend their time every day and strengthen your employer brand in the process:

32 million people in Germany alone are on Facebook and Instagram every month, 16 million on LinkedIn and 19 million on TikTok
Germans spend an average of 1.5 hours on social media - every day; younger generations even spend up to 4 hours
More than 50% of all job searches start with Google
a man sitting in front of a laptop computer
90 minutes
Germans spend Ø daily
on social media
"We have numerous positions in the area of industrial specialists that are not easily accessible via conventional channels. The Performance Recruiting Service enables us to use modern methods and creative image videos to convince these people of us as an employer."
Gabriel Schwarz
People & Org. Lead, Stocard

With social media job ads, you not only engage in modern employer branding, but also build up your talent pool

Mobile-optimized application processes ensure maximum ad performance on social media and
are a useful addition to your recruiting mix.

Performance marketing campaigns in recruiting

Convince your desired profiles with exciting, activating content about your vacancy! No previous knowledge necessary.

Easily add performance recruiting campaigns to your recruiting mix and activate passive candidates. Benefit from Talentspring's design expertise and continuous budget-optimized campaign management. Fast effectiveness and full transparency guaranteed.

Effective and scalable use of complementary recruiting channels

Highly scalable reach of talent on online marketing channels (professional networks, search engines, social media platforms) that often cannot be reached via conventional platforms

Convince with captivating content & stand out from the competition

Stand out from the competition with creative vacancy-, target group- and platform-specific advertising materials. The Talentspring design team takes on the main work.

Generate high-quality applications like on an assembly line

Generate only relevant applications through responsive, job-specific landing pages combined with interactive funnels (automated pre-qualification through clickable elements) and receive higher response rates through gamification.

Telephone qualification by Talentspring in the event of capacity bottlenecks

If there is a lack of internal capacity, you can also have the telephone pre-selection carried out so that you only speak to the most relevant talent (additional service).

Use branding effects in the medium term too

Building long-term talent pools through tracking technology for retargeting campaigns. Initially undecided talents are shown one of your ads again and thus converted via retargeting.

Smart and continuous budget reallocation

Continuous monitoring of channel and ad performance by us ensures that your budget is invested in the best possible way across all channels.

Optimize your recruiting program now and attract the best talent in a planable way!

100% free of charge & non-binding
Worth €1,500

Flexibly scalable performance recruiting
with all-inclusive service from Talentspring.

Better recruiting results through reliable cooperation. Our recruiting service is transparent, professional and based on partnership.

This is what working with us looks like:

Profile briefing discussion & data-based success forecast

In a 60-minute briefing interview, we advise you on the requirements of your target profile (professional and cultural characteristics as well as general conditions) and openly discuss the chances of success in filling the position.

Iterative calibration of the target persona, creation of the advertising media, definition of the channel mix

We create a target persona and design a comprehensive marketing campaign, select relevant marketing channels and time periods and produce advertising material specific to the vacancy, target group and platform. We are also happy to use your materials.

Launch of the campaign

The campaign goes live. Potential talent is targeted across all channels using the ad (photo, video) and interested candidates are presented with your landing page and further information. Using a short quiz, we automatically determine a basic suitability and enable a 1-click application in the final step. We take care of rejection management for unsuitable talent for you.

If required, telephone pre-qualification & profile handover if suitable

We are also happy to pre-qualify the talents for you by telephone in order to relieve your team when there is a high volume of applications. You will receive suitable talent either via the Talentspring portal, your applicant management system or by email. You then take over according to your standard application process.

Final discussion on the project

In a final meeting, we discuss valuable findings from the completed recruitment process (perception of the employer brand, feedback on the process and metrics, candidates' reasons for rejection, etc.).

Regular reporting of key figures

On a weekly basis, you receive the most important metrics summarized in a live dashboard to ensure maximum transparency. We also continuously optimize the campaign for the best possible results.

Phase 1

Profile briefing discussion & data-based success forecast

In your 60-minute potential analysis, we work together to identify the requirements of your target profile (professional, cultural characteristics and general conditions) and provide open advice on the chances of success in filling your position.

Phase 2

Iterative calibration of the search strategy based on your feedback

Creation of a shortlist to refine the target profile and incorporation of your feedback.

Phase 3

Start of the search, approach and telephone pre-qualification

We grade the candidate approach across all channels, check the professional and cultural fit, ensure the actual willingness to change jobs and ask about salary expectations.

Phase 4

Profile handover & initial rejection management

After receiving suitable candidates, you decide with whom you would like to continue your application process and we connect you with the relevant candidates. We take over the rejection management for the remaining talents.

Phase 5

Final discussion on the project

In a final meeting, we discuss valuable findings from the completed recruitment process (perception of the employer brand, feedback on the process, candidates' reasons for rejection, etc.).

Phase 6

Regular reporting of key figures

You receive the most important key figures on a weekly basis for maximum transparency. In addition, we continuously optimize our search strategy to achieve the best possible results.

100% free of charge & non-binding

Attract the best talent on the market with active sourcing!

Active sourcing is more important than ever: demographic change, the growing demand for experts and increasing global competition are reinforcing this trend. And not without reason:

Minimize dependency on headhunters and avoid high placement fees with an attractive fixed price

2 out of 10 study participants have already changed jobs as a result of a direct approach, even though they were not looking for a job.

89% of talents say that they accept a job offer faster when they are contacted because they look around less.

36.4% of candidates applied to a company through the direct approach that they would not otherwise have applied to.

Success with Talentspring in figures:


Average impressions per campaign placed


up to the first applications


Costs per relevant application and therefore often more cost-optimized than classic job advertisements


Cheaper than classic job portals & headhunters

Our partners have solved these recruiting challenges with us:

View more case studies

We think in terms of long-term partnerships

Innovative growth companies, SMEs and large corporations are among our valued partners.

Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
KLT Health Group
Startups & Growth companies
Green Generation Fund
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
SVEA Solar
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
Sono Motors
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
Hello Fiber
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
Just Eat
APCOA Parking
Destination Solutions
Startups & Growth companies
Nano Dimension
Startups & Growth companies
Kornit Digital
Sparda Bank
Octopus Energy
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
Berlin Brands Group
Startups & Growth companies
Carl Remigius Education Group
Dr. Schär
Startups & Growth companies
Startups & Growth companies
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The full-service performance recruiting flat rate from Talentspring

Run social media recruiting campaigns tailored to your employer brand and draw the attention of otherwise hard-to-reach target groups to your vacancies around the clock.

Advice from a performance recruiting specialist
All-round carefree service package: our team takes care of everything
Full transparency of performance through access to your live dashboard
1 Standard project credit
with delivery guarantee*
Target group-specific potential analysis
Technical setup of the advertising platforms
Creation of advertising material according to your brand guidelines
Access to your live KPI dashboard
Rejection management of unsuitable talent
Rejection management of talents not selected by you
Fair fixed service fee with flexible terms, regardless of the size of the advertising budget
Telephone qualification of candidates (additional service)

Still have questions? We have the answers:

Performance vs. active sourcing - when do I use which method?

Numerous service providers position performance recruiting as the only sensible recruiting method; in our view, this is wrong and too one-dimensional. In view of increasing restrictions with regard to the targeting of talent on platforms such as Meta (Facebook, Instagram), more targeted, less mass-oriented active sourcing campaigns can make more sense when recruiting specialists. In our opinion, performance recruiting is particularly suitable for junior positions (e.g. jobs for pupils/students/trainees and all types of temporary jobs) as well as for the recruitment of industrial specialists.

How do you differ from automated social media recruiting platforms?

Experts are firmly convinced that the advertising material (image material, video material) is becoming increasingly important for the success of the placement. In order to ensure the high scalability of their business models, most automated platforms can only very rarely respond to the request for the placement of individual advertising media, usually also place these in the context of comparable ads and usually tie this option to a minimum sales volume. In addition, there is no insight into the data records and these can be enriched by means of systematic experiments in order to gain more detailed insights into your own positioning and the attractiveness of the position (example question: Which benefit is particularly in demand in my target market or is a unique selling point). By working with Talentspring, you can also use various advertising materials and content in the context of retargeting. We can also support you in the conception and creation of designs and captivating content.

Which channels do you use for your campaigns?

The channel mix is put together based on the target profile. In principle, campaigns can be played out in professional networks (Linkedin, Xing), in social networks (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok), in search engines (Google), in the Google Display Network (YouTube, apps, on relevant websites) and on other target group-specific channels.

We don't have enough capacity in our team to handle the numerous initial telephone calls. Can you help us?

Yes, we are happy to help with the pre-qualification of talents who pass the initial aptitude quiz. For further information, please get in touch with your personal contact person.

Do we need our own social media account?

It is not absolutely necessary to have your own social media account; we are also happy to manage the campaigns via your social media accounts.

I don't have much time at the moment. How much time do I need to invest?

During an initial 45-minute structured strategy meeting, we will work with you to find out whether we can help you and whether a collaboration could make sense for you. You decide whether a further investment of time is worthwhile.

How do you transmit the relevant candidates to us? Is a technical connection necessary?

We adapt to your wishes and circumstances. Transmission takes place either via our Talentspring customer portal, directly into your applicant management system or by e-mail.

I am not interested in a holistic analysis, I just need urgent help in filling a vacancy.

No problem. Even then, we will find the ideal mix of channels and fill your candidate pipeline using the appropriate recruiting services.

What can I expect from the free potential analysis?

Our recruiting experts will work with you to analyse your overall recruiting program (status quo, goals, challenges/blockers, channel mix and performance, company-specific circumstances) and identify short-term and long-term optimization levers. Of course, we can also discuss positions that are currently difficult to fill, which we will then be happy to fill with a sensible mix of channels to optimize costs.

How does Talentspring differ from other service providers?

Most service providers on the market only offer isolated solutions and neglect the increased complexity that modern, effective recruiting has to deal with due to a lack of practical relevance and expertise. They usually only provide their partners with short-term support as part of the transactional service, have hardly any customer-specific know-how and, due to a lack of economic incentives, usually have little interest in supporting long-term optimization as a sparring partner.

Who is behind Talentspring and what relevant experience do you have?

Talentspring is backed by an ambitious, dynamic team that breathes digital recruiting, combines strategic calculation with results-oriented implementation experience and has contemporary digital expertise. We are regularly advised by industry luminaries and have further developed our Talentspring action plan with more than 100 experts. Thanks to countless interim projects at companies of all sizes, we are familiar with the challenges of in-house recruiting, have empathy for internal company tensions, and are happy to assist with proven procedures.

At eye level - practical & digital - strategic & operational

Are you ready for a long-term partner to fully unlock your recruiting potential?

Always at your side - We arrange a quarterly strategy meeting with each of our clients in which we individually address current recruiting challenges.

Walid Karimi
Managing Partner
I look forward to talking to you.
100% free of charge & non-binding
Just Eat
Just Eat
Just Eat
Just Eat

Alternatively, do the Recruiting Instant Check for immediate motivation for your challenge

100% free of charge & non-binding