ENcome Energy Management

Successful recruitment of specialists and optimization of recruiting channels

ENcome Energy Management


Recruiting highly qualified specialists is crucial for any company, especially in technically demanding industries. ENcome Energy Performance GmbH, a company specializing in the operational management and technical optimization of solar plants, was faced with exactly this challenge. The initial situation was characterized by difficulties in recruiting specialists for their German solar team and limited success in active sourcing via traditional social media.


  • ‍Recruiting specialistsfor the technical team: ENcome faced the challenge of finding qualified specialists for its German solar team. These positions required specialized technical knowledge and experience.‍
  • Active sourcing challenges: Previous attempts to find qualified candidates via traditional social media did not go as planned and did not produce the qualified candidates required.


  • ‍Successfulrecruitment of a qualified service technician: In close cooperation with Talentspring, ENcome was able to recruit a highly qualified service technician within just 25 days. This recruitment strengthened the solar team and significantly improved service quality.
  • Optimization of the recruiting channel: By working with Talentspring, ENcome was able to optimize its recruiting channel. This included targeted active sourcing and the use of specialized platforms to address and attract qualified specialists more effectively.

"At ENcome Energy Management, we have ushered in a new era of specialist recruitment. Within a very short time, we were able to find a highly qualified service technician who has significantly strengthened the solar team. Thanks to the newly optimized recruiting channels, we were able to search for the best talent and significantly improve the service quality of ENcome Energy Management."

Walid Karimi
Managing Partner Talentspring
Walid Karimi

Summary of the project

The collaboration between ENcome and Talentspring led to the successful recruitment of a highly qualified service technician within just 25 days. This strengthened ENcome's solar team and significantly improved the quality of service. In light of this success, ENcome decided to continue the collaboration with Talentspring in order to recruit more professionals and further expand the team. Through targeted active sourcing and the use of specialized platforms, the recruiting approach was optimized to effectively target qualified candidates. ENcome Energy Performance GmbH continues its mission to maximize the efficiency and profitability of solar installations and drive the sustainability of solar energy.

Company Image

ENcome Energy Performance GmbH

ENcome Energy Performance GmbH is a company that specializes in the operational management and technical optimization of solar power plants. Its range of services includes remote monitoring, maintenance, fault diagnosis, performance optimization and reporting for solar power plants. ENcome's goal is to maximize the efficiency and profitability of solar plants and ensure that they deliver the expected yields. The company is headquartered in Austria and supports solar plants worldwide to promote the sustainability and profitability of solar energy.

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