Dr. Schär

How we support Dr. Schär Deutschland GmbH in recruiting

Dr. Schär


Michael Jacobi is Head of Human Resources at Dr. Schär Deutschland GmbH. The company operates internationally and aims to offer high-quality and tasty gluten-free products to provide people with special dietary requirements with a wide choice, and recruiting is an essential corporate function for them.


  • Low number of applicants via conventional job advertisements: Michael Jacobi from Dr. Schär has been observing for some time that both the quality and the number of incoming applications have dropped significantly. They are therefore actively looking for new channels to tap into additional target groups in recruiting. They are also motivated to optimize their candidate journey, especially through the application barrier. At the time of our first collaboration, a candidate has to register, create a user and then upload a cover letter and CV for the respective positions. For fear of losing high-quality candidates in the process, Dr. Schär is looking for another solution.‍
  • Location and industry factors influence recruitment: however, the choice of solution is more difficult. Due to the job profiles sought in the blue-collar sector and the restrictive, rural location, active sourcing is not suitable for the company. At this point, it was extremely important for Dr. Schaer to find a provider that could provide both strategic advice and operational management. In short: "a competent partner who could fill the gap in our team."


  • Skills shortage and recruitment difficulties: Eriks primarily used job advertisements on their homepage and popular job portals to actively target candidates looking for work. However, this resulted in a low response rate in rural areas and for blue-collar vacancies.‍
  • Efficient talent acquisition through channel development:The first campaign already resulted in a much larger number of high-quality applications for Dr. Schär and marked the expansion of a new recruiting channel. Within the first campaign, various blue collar candidates, including bakers and machine operators, were recruited. Michael Jacobi describes it as follows: "We were surprised after all that we had a very large number of applications coming in. Our feeling beforehand was that we had already exhausted the application channels."

"The individual care is impressive. It's no longer a matter of course that I feel I'm in such good hands. That I'm not number one out of a thousand, but have an individual contact who knows my needs and understands me."

Michael Jacobi
Senior HR Manager
Michael Jacobi

Summary of the project

Within the joint collaboration between Talentspring and Dr. Schär, the company was able to effectively and successfully open up another recruiting channel and fill vacancies that had been open for many years.

Company Image

Dr. Schär Germany GmbH

Dr. Schär is a company that specializes in the production of gluten-free foods. They offer a variety of products that have been specially developed for people with coeliac disease or gluten intolerance. In addition to gluten-free pasta, bread and pastries, Dr. Schär also produces other foods such as muesli, snacks and pizzas. The company operates internationally and aims to offer high-quality and tasty gluten-free products to give people with special dietary requirements a wide choice.

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