Arrange an initial consultation

Arrange your free initial consultation now.

a group of people sitting around a wooden table

Ready for a long-term partnership at eye level?

We will get to know you and your specific recruiting & HR challenges better in a non-binding strategy meeting
We then draw up a customized action plan that is precisely tailored to your individual situation
Business hours:
Mon-Fri from 09:00 to 18:00
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"Recruiting was very traditional for us: a lot of post & pray and placing job advertisements. But in collaboration with Talentspring, the transformation was initiated - we started actively searching, filling talent pipelines and actively managing candidates."
Benjamin Staub Baumgartner
CPO, Zur Rose Group

Still have questions? We have the answers:

Who is your offer aimed at?

We work with growth companies, SMEs and large corporations that want to continuously develop their recruiting in order to meet the current demands of the talent market through digital recruiting.

The local job market is empty and we have already tried everything: I'm not quite sure if you can help us.

You can find out quickly during the non-binding initial consultation. You can use our calendar link to easily select an appointment that suits you. Of course, you can also take a look at our explanatory videos, white papers and statistics in our video and resource hub to help you form a better opinion.

I don't have much time at the moment. How much time do I need to invest?

During an initial 45-minute structured strategy meeting, we will work with you to find out whether we can help you and whether a collaboration could make sense for you. You decide whether a further investment of time is worthwhile.

I am not interested in a holistic analysis, I just need urgent help in filling a vacancy.

No problem. Even then, we will find the ideal mix of channels and fill your candidate pipeline using the appropriate recruiting services.

What can I expect from the free potential analysis?

Our recruiting experts will work with you to analyse your overall recruiting program (status quo, goals, challenges/blockers, channel mix and performance, company-specific circumstances) and identify short-term and long-term optimization levers. Of course, we can also discuss positions that are currently difficult to fill, which we will then be happy to fill with a sensible mix of channels to optimize costs.

How does Talentspring differ from other service providers?

Most service providers on the market only offer isolated solutions and neglect the increased complexity that modern, effective recruiting has to deal with due to a lack of practical relevance and expertise. They usually only provide their partners with short-term support as part of the transactional service, have hardly any customer-specific know-how and, due to a lack of economic incentives, usually have little interest in supporting long-term optimization as a sparring partner.

Who is behind Talentspring and what relevant experience do you have?

Talentspring is backed by an ambitious, dynamic team that breathes digital recruiting, combines strategic calculation with results-oriented implementation experience and has contemporary digital expertise. We are regularly advised by industry luminaries and have further developed our Talentspring action plan with more than 100 experts. Thanks to countless interim projects at companies of all sizes, we are familiar with the challenges of in-house recruiting, have empathy for internal company tensions, and are happy to assist with proven procedures.

These companies operate with modern, digital recruiting in partnership with Talentspring:
Just Eat
Just Eat
Just Eat
Just Eat