
How to create a great candidate journey

How to create a great candidate journey
Table of contents

About the white paper

Nothing determines a company's business success as much as its employees - and all employees start as candidates. This makes it all the more important for companies to understand what the candidate journey looks like.

By optimizing along this candidate journey, companies increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their recruitment and ultimately their business success. Especially in times of tight labour markets, growing international competition and the resulting shortage of skilled workers, the importance of optimizing the recruitment process can hardly be overestimated.

By way of illustration: 66% of German companies complained about acute skills shortages in a 2021 Bertelsmann study. The effectiveness of a company's own HR system determines whether competitive advantages or disadvantages are realized.

This white paper structures the typical candidate journey, highlights important changes brought about by digitalization in recent years and offers concrete best practices. We want to help you realize competitive advantages and unlock a new level of recruitment success for your company.

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