
Faster naturalization: solution or drop in the ocean?

Faster naturalization: solution or drop in the ocean?
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The German government has liberalized naturalization laws. What this means for the shortage of skilled workers is not entirely clear.

First a short recap of the law that finally made it through the Bundestag on Friday after months of discussion:

  • In future, people will be able to apply for German citizenship from the age of 5 instead of 8, and in exceptional cases even in three years
  • For children of foreigners, citizenship is granted at birth if the parents have lived in the country for 5 years or longer
  • In future, naturalized citizens may retain their previous citizenship, so dual citizenship is always possible

Anyone who follows me knows that I consider the shortage of skilled workers to be priority #1 for Germany. So I am also looking at this law through this lens. Can simplified naturalization solve the skills shortage?

First of all, if you make immigration more attractive, you will get more skilled workers. The opportunity to naturalize more quickly and easily is nothing but a bonus. The legal residence hurdles become more manageable, family reunification easier, the prospects more long-term - the country looks more inviting.

I personally know quite a few foreign skilled workers in Germany who are just waiting to finally be able to hold their passport in their hands. They want to see themselves as part of the country, be allowed to vote, enjoy more freedom to travel and have a little more legal security in the country. The same is likely to apply to many skilled workers who are not yet in Germany but are considering moving here. Jackpot.

On the other hand, the effect could also be overestimated. Many sought-after skilled workers are internationally mobile and do not necessarily want to be tied to Germany in the long term. Many already have strong passports or, if not, can be naturalized in another country. The difference in legal security between a permanent residence permit and citizenship is trivial in some respects. And dual citizenship does not help Indians, for example, because India prohibits dual citizenship.

In this sense, I also know many professionals who are relatively indifferent to the new law. They are less concerned with German citizenship than with the quality of life in the here and now: Salary, company culture, language, everyday discrimination, ease of social integration, bureaucracy and so on and so forth. What good is the prospect of a passport if all these criteria are not yet met?

In summary, the law is a good thing from the point of view of the shortage of skilled workers. But it is not enough. The skills shortage is and remains unresolved. We need to do so much more - both in the area of immigration and in the many other levers we have to address the mega issue of skills shortages. Let's go!

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